Red Devil Angel Fish, dedicated Barb tanks, and best Bettas in London?
Hello everyone, we've had some amazing fish in this week at Pond Life Aquatics and Tropical Fish London. It's possibly the best we've ever been stocked with tropical fish wise and is definitely worth a trip down! If you can't wait to come down and see what we have in stock then check out our weekly stock update video. It's the best way to see all of the amazing species we have in store from home!
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This Week's Amazing Fish Stock Highlights at Pond Life Aquatics - See what's exciting at a glance!
Red Devil Angel Fish - The Highlight of Our New Arrivals in London! - These guys are definitely the highlight of our latest stock. With stunning marbled colouration flushed with gorgeous reds they're a must see and will make a fantastic addition to any larger aquarium set up!
Koi Betta Sororities - Stunning Female Bettas for a Showstopping Aquarium - We have an amazing array of Female Koi Bettas. These stunning females rival the colours of their male counterparts and when kept in the right set ups with plenty of plants and hardscape they can live together peacefully in larger groups making an absolute showstopper of an aquarium.
Barbs, Barbs, Barbs! - Dedicated Barb Aquariums are Back at Our London Shop! - We finally decided to convert two of our goldfish aquariums into dedicated Barb aquariums. Not only is this a much better use of space aligning more with our ethos of keeping happy and healthy aquariums; it allows us to show off what a barb tank can truly look like hopefully showing customers that larger aquariums are a dream set up for large groups of Barbs.
Tiny Corydoras - Cutest Pygmy Corydoras Now In Stock! - We have some of the cutest little pygmy corydoras in stock. These guys sell quick and for good reason. One of the smallest species of corydoras that are so full of character.
Pearls of Beauty - Elegant Pearl Gouramis - A Must-See! - Our Pearl Gouramis are truly a spectacle to behold. Living up to their name as an absolute pearl to look at. It's hard not to be tempted to set up a dedicated aquascape just for these guys.
Best Fighting Fish In London? - Could Pond Life Aquatics Have the Best Bettas? - We think that we might have the best male bettas in London. We use a lot of space up in our store for dedicated spaces for Betta aquariums rather than keeping them in glorified cups. This allows our Bettas to thrive and show off their true colours which makes us think that maybe we might have the best selection in the whole of London? We'll let you decide.
Why watch the video?
If you want to see all of the other interesting and stunning species we have in store then be sure to check out our YouTube video and remember to like, share, and subscribe. Doing so will help us spread the word about Pond Life Aquatics/Tropical Fish London which will only help us grow and bring you all more and more stunning fish for your aquariums! You can subscribe to the channel here!
Thank You!
As always thank you to all our new and returning customers! If you're new here and want to visit the store then follow the link here to maps!
Harris Bard
Pond Life Aquatics/Tropical Fish London
Company Director