Pond Life Blog

Cherry Shrimp 101- From History to Health

Cherry Shrimp 101- From History to Health

Harris takes a deep dive into the world of Neocaridina davidi, better known as cherry shrimp. He uncovers their fascinating history, exploring their origins and the development of their vibrant color...

Cherry Shrimp 101- From History to Health

Harris takes a deep dive into the world of Neocaridina davidi, better known as cherry shrimp. He uncovers their fascinating history, exploring their origins and the development of their vibrant color...

New Fish Additions this Week:

New Fish Additions this Week:

We've had some new arrivals this week, including: Half Moon Betta Fish Dragon Betta  Cardinal Tetra Neon Tetra Rummynose Tetra Bristlenose Ancistrus Amano Shrimp Armoured Shrimp Blue Cherry Shrimp Peacock...

New Fish Additions this Week:

We've had some new arrivals this week, including: Half Moon Betta Fish Dragon Betta  Cardinal Tetra Neon Tetra Rummynose Tetra Bristlenose Ancistrus Amano Shrimp Armoured Shrimp Blue Cherry Shrimp Peacock...

Gear Guide: Everything You Need to Keep Freshwater Fish

Gear Guide: Everything You Need to Keep Freshwa...

So you are thinking about getting a fish tank? We put together a handy shopping list so you know exactly what you need! 

Gear Guide: Everything You Need to Keep Freshwa...

So you are thinking about getting a fish tank? We put together a handy shopping list so you know exactly what you need! 

Not sure about substrate?

Not sure about substrate?

When choosing a substrate for your tank there are two main things you want to consider; What kind of fish do you want to keep? And what kind of plants...

Not sure about substrate?

When choosing a substrate for your tank there are two main things you want to consider; What kind of fish do you want to keep? And what kind of plants...