Neon Tetra: The Ultimate Care Guide
Welcome to the Pond Life Aquatics Blog! In this post, we’ll introduce you to everything you need to know about Neon Tetras. Accompanying our guide we have, narrated by Pond Life's owner, Harris. Check out our video below! 🐠
The Captivating Story of Neon Tetras
Neon Tetras are native to the blackwater streams of the Amazon rainforest. Discovered in the 1930s, these stunning fish quickly became a favourite among aquarists worldwide. Their iridescent blue and red stripes, combined with their peaceful nature, make them a mesmerizing addition to any aquarium.
Ideal Tank Setup for Neon Tetras
Creating the perfect environment is crucial for keeping your Neon Tetras healthy and happy. Here are the key factors to consider:
Tank Size
A group of Neon Tetras need to be kept in a minimum tank size of 10 gallons (Roughly 40 Litres). For optimal conditions and larger groups, consider a 20-gallon tank or bigger to give them plenty of space to swim.
We recommend the Superfish Scaper 90 or Home 150 Aquariums.
Water Parameters
pH: 6.0 – 7.0 (slightly acidic to neutral)
Temperature: 72°F – 78°F (22°C – 26°C)
Hardness: Soft to moderately hard (up to 10 dGH)
Neon Tetras prefer gentle water flow, so choose a filter that provides efficient filtration without creating strong currents.
Designing the Perfect Environment
Whether you love a lush, planted tank or a natural blackwater biotope, Neon Tetras can adapt beautifully. Here’s how to create their ideal home:
Planted Aquarium
Add live plants like Amazon swords, Java moss, Egeria Najas and Anubias. These provide hiding spots and mimic their natural habitat.
Blackwater Biotope
Recreate their native environment by adding driftwood, almond leaves, and dim lighting. This setup enhances their colors and creates a calming atmosphere.
Compatible Tank Mates
Neon Tetras are peaceful and thrive with similarly docile tank mates. Consider adding:
Other peaceful tetras like Cardinal Tetras
Corydoras catfish
Small rasboras
Amano or Cherry Shrimp
Even Siamese fighting fish (Betta), as long as they’re non-aggressive!
Feeding and Nutrition
Neon Tetras are omnivores, so a balanced diet is essential. Feed them:
High-quality flake or micro-pellet food
Frozen or live foods like daphnia and brine shrimp
Occasional vegetable-based foods for variety
Feed small portions 1-2 times daily, ensuring they consume everything within a few minutes.
Breeding Neon Tetras
Breeding Neon Tetras can be rewarding but requires specific conditions:
Provide a separate breeding tank with subdued lighting and soft, acidic water.
Use fine-leaf plants or spawning mops for egg-laying.
Remove adults after spawning to protect the eggs.
Feed fry with infusoria or powdered fry food until they’re large enough for standard foods.
Common Health Issues
One disease to watch out for is Neon Tetra Disease (NTD), caused by a parasitic infection. Symptoms include:
Loss of colour
Erratic swimming
Lumps under the skin
To prevent disease, maintain excellent water quality and quarantine new fish before introducing them to your tank.
Expert Tips from a 20+ Year Aquarist
Always buy Neon Tetras from a trusted source to ensure healthy fish.
Acclimate your fish slowly to avoid stress.
Keep a consistent maintenance routine, including water changes and filter cleaning.
Observe your fish daily to catch any potential issues early.
Create Your Neon Tetra Paradise
Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced aquarist, Neon Tetras are a fantastic choice for any freshwater aquarium. Their vibrant colours, peaceful nature, and adaptability make them a joy to keep. By following this guide, you can create a thriving underwater paradise for your Neon Tetras to call home.
Visit our Shop to find everything you need for your Neon Tetra aquarium, from high-quality fish to the best tank supplies. Let’s make your aquarium dreams a reality!