Australian Fish Species

Australian Biomes

New Guinea River

WATER: pH 6.5-7.1, 4-8 dH, 75-77 F (23-25 C)

TANK: A tank with large open swimming areas is suggested for rainbowfish. The tank should have areas of dense vegetation and bright lighting. Use a sand substrate.

PLANTS: Vallisneria, Aponogeton, Ceratopteris, Bolbitis

FISH: Rainbowfish, Gobies, Australian Arowana, Arius catfish

Northern Australia Rainforest Creek

WATER: pH 7-7.5, 10-12 dH, 75-84 F (24-29 C)

TANK: Use river rocks and a sand substrate. Provide open swimming areas and use a filter that creates current in at least one part of the tank -- rainbowfish are active fish. Bright lighting, clear water.

PLANTS: Vallisneria, Aponogeton, Ceratopteris, Bolbitis

FISH: Rainbowfish, Gobies, Australian Arowana.