Pond Life Aquatics
Apistogramma Viejita
Apistogramma Viejita
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Apistogramma Viejita, also known as the Viejita Cichlid, is a highly sought after species that is often overlooked. This peaceful and vibrant cichlid is hardy and does well in community tanks.
The males have larger and more colorful fins compared to the females. In order to provide a comfortable environment, a densely planted tank with hiding places, such as broken pots or caves, is recommended.
These cichlids thrive in soft and slightly acidic water with a temperature range of 23-29°C and pH range of 5.5-7.5.
When choosing tank mates, it is important to consider their timid nature and potential territorial behavior during breeding.

Caring For Apistogramma Viejita
Minimum Tank Size
60 Litres
- Generally Peaceful
- Feed Flake, Micropellet and Small Live or Frozen Food
Care Level
- Easy