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Pond Life Aquatics

Bentosi Tetra White Fin

Bentosi Tetra White Fin


The Bentosi Tetra is found across the Amazon River system in Brazil and Peru, where it lives in slow-moving waters with plenty of plants and roots for cover. The water is soft, acidic, and tea-colored from tannins in decaying wood and leaves.

To recreate this habitat, set up a tank with a dark substrate, bogwood, and dense plants. While Bentosi Tetras adapt to different water conditions, they thrive in soft, acidic water. A mature, well-filtered aquarium is ideal.

Keep them in groups of at least 6, though 10 or more will create a natural shoal and help them feel secure. Good tankmates include peaceful fish like Corydoras catfish, hatchetfish, small dwarf cichlids (Apistogramma, Mikrogeophagus), and small Loricariidae. Avoid aggressive species, as Bentosi Tetras are easily startled.

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Caring For Bentosi Tetra White Fin

Minimum Tank Size

40 Litres


- Community Species
- Peaceful
-They spook easily so do not keep with boisterous fish.


- Feed High Quality Flake, Micropellet and Occasional Live and Frozen Foods

Care Level

  • Easy