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Pond Life Aquatics

Betta splendens 'Siamese Fighting Fish'

Betta splendens 'Siamese Fighting Fish'


Origin: South East Asia

Bettas have come into the limelight in recent years for fish keepers new to the hobby and its easy to see why. They come in a wide variety of colours sporting stunning tails that come in an array of shapes and sizes.

Bettas need a minimum tank size of only 20L which makes them the ideal fish for a starter aquarium. Hailing from South East Asia, they prefer their water on the warmer side between 24-28 C. They require good filtration that doesn't cause too much disturbance of the water, as they can be weak swimmers.

Plants are a must for a Betta as they will regularly hide and build their nests around them. A bare tank is a surefire way to a stressed Betta.

In terms of tank mates, Bettas are more than happy to live alone in a small tank. They will happily live in larger tanks with docile fish that won't attack their fins such as Corydoras catfish or Harlequin Rasbora.

Bettas will flourish when given a wide variety of food. They will happily take granules, flake, frozen, or live foods. 

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Caring For Betta splendens 'Siamese Fighting Fish'

Minimum Tank Size

20 Litres


-Can be kept with small, peaceful shoaling fish
- Individual temperaments may vary
- Do not keep males with others of the same species


- Feed Specialty Food and Supplement with Frozen/Live Food

Care Level

  • Easy