Pond Life Aquatics
Emerald Eye Rasbora
Emerald Eye Rasbora
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The captivating Eyespot Rasbora is typically found in densely-vegetated, slow-moving blackwater habitats such as shallow streams in forests and peat swamps. Unfortunately, large portions of its natural habitat are currently threatened by the expansion of palm oil plantations. These fish make a great addition to softwater aquariums with plenty of plants. The tank should be well-established and offer a variety of hiding spots among driftwood and dense vegetation, including floating species to diffuse the light.
Adequate filtration is important, but the water flow should be gentle. These peaceful fish thrive in groups of 10 or more, which helps them feel more secure and creates a more natural-looking shoal. A dark substrate and background will boost their confidence and enhance their vibrant colors. When choosing tankmates, opt for small and peaceful species like Caridina and Neocaridina shrimp, Kuhli loaches (Pangio spp.), Otocinclus catfish, pygmy Corydoras

Caring For Emerald Eye Rasbora
Minimum Tank Size
40 Litres
-Community Fish
- Feed High Quality Flake, Micropellet and Small Live and Frozen Foods