Pond Life Aquatics
Green Kubotai Rasbora
Green Kubotai Rasbora
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A large assemblage (10+) of these small iridescent schooling fish creates a captivating display in compact softwater planted aquariums. The aquarium should be carefully designed with areas of dense vegetation, such as shadowy bogwood pieces and floating plants, to diffuse the light. Adequate water flow should be maintained to promote proper oxygen levels, but it should not be too strong. To ensure their well-being, Microdevario kubotai should either be kept in a tank consisting of only their species or with other small and peaceful fish. Due to their small size and somewhat timid nature, they may not always be suitable for a community aquarium. However, a mature tank, a large group, and peaceful tankmates will boost their confidence. Regular, small water changes are necessary to maintain the tank's health.

Caring For Green Kubotai Rasbora
Minimum Tank Size
30 Litres
- Feed High Quality Flake or Micropellet
-Supplement with Small Live and Frozen Foods
Care Level
- Easy