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Pond Life Aquatics

Green Tiger Barb

Green Tiger Barb


Origin: Asia

The Green Tiger Barb displays a stunning fluorescent green color with patches of silver and gold, as well as orange-tipped fins. These fish are lively and playful, but can be semi-aggressive.

They thrive in schools and prefer a well-planted tank with slightly acidic water. It's important to leave plenty of space for swimming. However, be cautious as these active fish may nip the fins of slower-moving, larger fish.

The Green Tiger Barb is a member of the Cyprinidae family and can reach a maximum size of 3 inches. They are best kept in groups of 6 or more and prefer water conditions with a pH range of 6.0-7.5 and a hardness level of KH 4-10.

Moderate water flow and a temperature of 22-26 °C are ideal for these hardy fish. They are an omnivorous species and thrive on a diet of small granules, flake, and pellets. Including live or frozen brine


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Caring For Green Tiger Barb

Minimum Tank Size

90 Litres


-Generally Peaceful
-Fin Nippers
- Best Kept in Large Groups


- Feed High Quality Flake or Pellet
-Supplement with Live and Frozen Foods

Care Level

  • Easy