Pond Life Aquatics
Lipstick Red Goby
Lipstick Red Goby
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This unique goby is found in its native habitat of Indonesia. Males showcase vibrant red lipstick and body coloration. To thrive, it needs well-filtered and fast-flowing water.
Species – Candy Red Lipped Goby – Sicyopus discordipinnis
Current Size – 5cm
Adult Length – 5cm
Temperature Range – 22 - 26°C
pH Range – 6.5 – 7.5
Special Requirements - Most importantly the water must be clean and well-oxygenated at all times so we suggest the use of either an over-sized filter, additional powerheads, flow pumps, or airstones.
Tanks Mates and Compatibility – Most small rasboras, tetras, loaches, and other small, peaceful fish are good tankmates.
Feeding – Omnivorous. Typically accepts some dry foods and frozen foods, but requires ample algae and biofilm for longevity

Caring For Lipstick Red Goby
Minimum Tank Size
40 Litres
Care Level
- Medium