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Pond Life Aquatics

Lipstick Red Goby

Lipstick Red Goby


This unique goby is found in its native habitat of Indonesia. Males showcase vibrant red lipstick and body coloration. To thrive, it needs well-filtered and fast-flowing water.

Species – Candy Red Lipped Goby  – Sicyopus discordipinnis

Current Size – 5cm

Adult Length – 5cm

Temperature Range – 22 - 26°C

pH Range – 6.5 – 7.5

Special Requirements - Most importantly the water must be clean and well-oxygenated at all times so we suggest the use of either an over-sized filter, additional powerheads, flow pumps, or airstones. 

Tanks Mates and Compatibility – Most small rasboras, tetras, loaches, and other small, peaceful fish are good tankmates. 

Feeding – Omnivorous. Typically accepts some dry foods and frozen foods, but requires ample algae and biofilm for longevity

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Caring For Lipstick Red Goby

Minimum Tank Size

40 Litres



Care Level

  • Medium