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Pond Life Aquatics

Pentazona Barbs

Pentazona Barbs


Pentazona Barb / 5 Banded Barb, also known as Desmopuntius Pentazona, are great peaceful community fish. They have unique stripes that look similar to Tiger Barbs, but with a more intricate coloration of orange and dark green.

 Males have richer body color and redder fins, while females are slightly larger and more rounded. Ideally kept in groups of 6 or more with quieter tank mates, in a pH of 7 or lower. Breeding requires a separate breeding tank.

These sensitive fish thrive in mature aquariums and are prone to White Spot when stressed.

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Caring For Pentazona Barbs

Minimum Tank Size

60 Litres




- Feed High Quality Flake or Pellet
-Supplement with Live and Frozen Foods

Care Level

  • Easy