Pond Life Aquatics
Platinum Parrot Cichlid
Platinum Parrot Cichlid
- In-Store Only
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This fish is a result from breeding short-bodied Convicts and Honduran Red Point cichlids. They are similar to Parrots and speculated to be hybrids, possibly leading to larger adult sizes. Their blue tones and reduced aggression suggest a mostly HRP ancestry.
They can interbreed with Pink Convicts and HRPs, but need ample space and efficient filtration. They prefer a varied diet and will readily breed with a partner of the opposite sex or closely related form. The female cleans a spawning site while the male guards against intruders. Eggs hatch in a few days and the parents herd the fry until they can feed on their own.

Caring For Platinum Parrot Cichlid
Minimum Tank Size
75 Litres
- Feed high-quality cichlid pellets, flakes, a mix of frozen foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp or Mysis shrimp