Pond Life Aquatics
Red Honey Gourami
Red Honey Gourami
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The Red Honey Gourami, also known as Trichogaster chuna, can be found in its native range of India and Bangladesh living in rivers and lakes. Often found in areas with dense vegetation and soft water, this fish prefers to swim in the top and middle levels of the tank.
Due to its peaceful nature, the Red Honey Gourami is recommended as a beginner-friendly fish for smaller tanks (50 litres and up). However, males may become semi-aggressive towards each other and require enough space in a larger tank to establish their territories.
When kept with other fish, it is important to provide plenty of cover and a well-planted tank. This species is easy to care for and requires a mixed diet of flakes, pellets, and frozen treats such as brine shrimp or bloodworms.
The average lifespan for this fish is 5-8 years.

Caring For Red Honey Gourami
Minimum Tank Size
50 Litres
-Feed high quality flake or pellet
-Supplement with frozen or live food
Care Level
- Easy